In any case's the month of birthdays in our family. My husband is the 1st, mine is the 14th, and Jess's is the 18th. This year, she wanted to have her birthday party at Pump It Up - an inflatable party zone. She turned 11. Unfortunately, this place is REALLY expensive. Now I'm stuck with figuring out how to pay for it. I kept thining I was getting such a good deal, and I did: I went for the "Cozy" party, meaning only 15 kids, I had a
coupon for $50.00 off for booking it during this specific weekend, I was thinking I was doing good! Then, I realized it was around dinner time - I'd have to feed everyone. So, for $12.00 for a large pizza because you HAVE to order through them (if I ordered it directly, it would have cost me $8.00), I racked up money for pizza, extra drinks for parents, etc. Now it's like I didn't have that damn coupon at all!

She did say this was the best birthday party EVER, so I guess it shouldn't be so upset about the money. It just seems, as most of us know, when it rains, it pours.
Jamie came with Cailee on the 4th - it was a pleasant surprise. Of course, I neglected to take pictures, but I'm putting one in from Mother's Day so you can see my beautiful daugher and granddaughter!

On another note, Jessica has started taking Karate, and really loves it. It's hard to be driving back and forth to Palm Desert 3 times a week with gas
prices the way they are, but it is SO worth it! To see the self-confidence in her is such a great thing. Here's a picture of Jess getting her white belt. Next week they are testing to get their Master White Belts.

She started in this thanks to the Coachella Valley Autism Society and Red Dragon Karate. They offered a 6 week free class for the kids. Jessica and my nephew Jeremy both participated and both loved it enough to want to do it regularly.
Caitlyn got to do a Volleyball Camp that she enjoyed. It was hard work - it was run by the coach of a club team, but still...I think she liked it and learned a lot. She's so tall, I think Volleyball would be a good sport for her.
Only 6 weeks until school is back in session! It's not soon enough....
Birthday parties for kids! Now that's a topic that will get people talking.
No one I know who is our age had parties like the kids do now. What happened?
I'm glad that I have one whose birthday is in the summer - he'll just have to have a pool party every year.
I think this is a great way for you to keep in touch with so many of your far-flung friends. I'm glad you started it & hope you find the time to keep it up.
Yay!!! Tracy is back to blogging!!! I love your cute background and you figured out the picture feature! Hooray! Looks like a fun party, but I'm with you on cost. Ammon wants his party there, but I'm thinking the park will suit us just fine :) It's probably not to long before she won't want a party there, so you'll be glad you had the experience now before she's too big!!! Keep up the blogging!!!
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